Our Congregation
At the Peekskill Presbyterian Church we work together joyfully in purpose and mission to faithfully serve Jesus Christ and His kingdom of love, justice, and peace. Our congregation is made up of about 85 active members, reflecting the many different cultures found in Peekskill and the Lower Hudson Valley.
We are located within the city of Peekskill, approximately 45 miles from Manhattan, a half mile from the Hudson River, and within easy reach of the Peekskill train station. Parking is available in the Church lot off Washington Street and nearby at Dominick’s Dry Cleaners on South Street.
Our Church office is open Tuesday–Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Our Affirmation of Faith
The greatness and goodness of God, The love and teachings of His son, Jesus, The power of the Holy Spirit, and The assurance of eternal life.
BEING GUIDED IN OUR GROWTH BY GOD’S WORD as it comes to us in the Holy Scriptures and the teachings of Christ, we commit our lives to His work.
WE BELIEVE in the freedom to be diverse and to hold differing beliefs within the framework of our Christian heritage and within the spirit of God’s love. This commitment contributes to our mutual understanding and the Christian experience.
UPON THIS FOUNDATION, we endeavor to work for Christ, and express our belief in His example by a prayerful life and Christian action.
WE BELIEVE THAT GOD IS AT WORK IN OUR MIDST, leading us in all our involvement with living in the world community as individual, and as the Church. We know that we must show concern for all of God’s people and strive to further reconciliation, peace, and brotherhood in our world.
IN all that we do with thankful hearts, we would give God the glory and the praise.
Our Mission
We are a compassionate community living and growing through the love and teachings of Jesus Christ as we worship and serve together.
Our Vision
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we welcome you here!
Church Leadership
Our Church is governed by our Session of Elders in accordance with PC(USA) governance rules and The Book of Order. We are grateful also for the leadership and service of our faithful Board of Deacons.
Kathy Cerreta, John Faria, Susan Gardner, Caroline Jaisarie, Robert Kalmer, Brenda Martinez, Mark Maxwell, Lynne Nayman
Patrick Buckiewicz, Nancy Horton, Linda Johns, Shantae Mahecha, Barbara Montero, Bethany Sposato, Joan Tubbs, Marsha Vernon
Junior Deacons
Kelly Mahecha, Miranda Sposato
Our wonderful staff includes:
Nesting With Us
As part of our ministry, we share our building with a local Spanish-language congregation, Puerto del Cielo or Gates of Heaven. In addition, we house the local Head Start program known as B’Above, and host Alcoholics Anonymous every week.
We support a multitude of local efforts to share God’s love in our community including CHHOP (Caring for the Hungry and Homeless of Peekskill), the Jan Peek House (the local homeless shelter), and our chapter of the Salvation Army. Our past pastors have all been actively involved with PAPA, the Peekskill Area Pastors Association, spearheading good works in Peekskill.
Corporate & Business Ministry
The Corporate & Business Ministry reports to the Session. The Ministry is chaired by the President of the Corporation and includes among its volunteers the Vice president and Treasurer. This ministry is responsible for carrying out the business functions of the church, including collecting funds, paying bills, managing the employee payroll, preparing budgets, entering into contracts, and assessing the fiscal and physical needs of the church and arranging for insurance coverage. Ministry volunteers work tirelessly keeping up the Church buildings and grounds to provide a pleasant, clean, healthy, and safe place to worship.
Our Church History
Our Presbyterian congregation in Peekskill dates back to 1721 when Reverend William Tenant, an itinerant Preacher, began bringing the Word to the Hudson Valley.
In the late 18th century, the congregation functioned as a satellite ministry of the First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown under Silas Constant, and in 1799 land was donated for our first sanctuary on this site. The bell that hung in the 1799 Church hangs in our steeple still and calls our congregation to worship every Sunday. On June 25th, 1826, our congregation, beginning with just 24 members, was formally incorporated, and we called our first minister.