Sunday Morning Worship
Anything Can Happen Sunday
Whatever the shape of the service, the Worship Ministry strives to make sure that our Sunday worship covers the important things. First, we love. We are a small enough church that our love for one another is real and tangible. We strengthen one another for forays out into our world. We equip one another with the Word, with encouragement, with fellowship. While we are without a regular pastor, we maintain uplifting worship of our Lord Jesus Christ with dynamic visiting preachers, wonderful and varied music (even celebratory bluegrass for Easter), and heartfelt contributions by members of the congregation. Sometimes we call it the People’s Church. It’s exciting and open, contemplative and joyful. Truly anything can happen Sunday.
Regular Sunday Worship is Held at 10:00 A.M. at 705 South Street in Peekskill.
Parking is available in the lot off Washington Street, at Dominick’s Dry Cleaning on South Street, and in open spaces along the streets.
Join us by Zoom using Meeting ID 9147373322 and Passcode 029267.
Special Services Are Held Throughout The Year.
Christmas and Holy Week are full of joyful service offerings. In addition, worship expands to include other church holidays, blessings of the animals, special healing, and world communion celebrations. Sometimes we worship by the river, sometimes on the Church lawn. Openness to the Holy Spirit is our goal and guide for Worship.
Click Here For Links to Service Videos on our YouTube Channel
Music Ministries for Worship
Making a Joyful Noise to the Lord
Our Music Ministry brings people together with all kinds of music, from classic hymns and gospel to upbeat praise, bluegrass, and classical. Our volunteer Chancel Choir, Praise Choir, and Handbell Choir work to create a warm, welcoming space where everyone can feel spiritually inspired to praise the Lord.
Click Below to Watch Samples on Our YouTube Channel